Desi Dancheva

Sr Product Designer with 8 years of experience (LinkedIn, Apple, Deloitte).

Based in San Francisco Bay Area, available for work in U.S. and E.U. (citizen in both, willing to relocate for the right opportunity). Due to NDAs, some projects are not open to public.

Deloitte Digital was hired to digitize funds management for a healthcare client. I led research and design.

Deloitte Digital redesigned a website. As the product designer, I shaped the brand and user experience.

Incline is an extremely simple app that helps you set and track daily goals. I was responsible for the visual identity and illustrations.

A closer look into how we built a simple, accessible and scalable design system from the ground up for a web app.

SAMD is an enterprise app that helps track pharmaceutical research. I crafted a design system and developed UX for new features.


Performance dashboard app I designed for a government client

Movie catalog app I designed for fun